I thought of giving some input as how software can improve the way you do business. How to make the write choice regarding a business solution for your company. I would admit at this point that I would be somewhat biased in this regard.

So lets move on and talk about what really matters. I read an interesting survey recently about some of the top regrets that people have before they die. One of the top regrets was "I wish I didn't care so much what people thought of me". You see often we can find ourselves living our life to please others and forget what really counts.

 I am reminded today that I am a new creation and I felt led to share with you the Scipure that God gave me. It is taken from 2 Corinthians 8:17-21
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." This is a reminder to me of the price that was paid for my sins and that I am reconciled with God. I cannot begin to share with how much joy this brings to be knowing that this life is really not the end and that God has something new for me in store for this life and the next.

My blessings to you all.