Who You Gonna Call? A Quick Guide To The Lesser Known Medical Specialist

Medical SpecialistWe have come a long way since the days where doctors believed a few leeches, carefully applied to the body, could cure just about any ailment. We may not yet understand all the intricacies of how our bodies work and the diseases that threaten us but the medical community now has a pretty good idea of how complicated it all really is. Doctors spend years specializing in just one small, or not so small, part of the body or ailment. And for this we are grateful. But who can keep track of it all?

Do you need to visit your cardiologist, dermatologist, paediatrician or neurologist? What does it mean when your GP (General Practitioner by the way) sends you off to see the pulmonologist?

Well here is your quick guide to the lesser known medical specialist:

Cardiologist: This is the specialist who deals with matters of the heart: that is the physical muscle that sits inside your chest and pumps blood through your body.

Dermatologist: As a dermatologist will tell you,Skin, skin what a wonderful thing; keeps the outsides out and the insides in”. This doctor specializes in all matters of the skin.

PaediatricianPaediatrician: This doctor specializes in the health of children and babies.

Occupational Medicine Practitioner: This is not a well known branch of medicine, but it really should be. Your occupational practitioner is the one you call when work and disease meet. Are you worried about the chemicals you may be breathing in at work? Have a chronic cough that goes away when you take leave, or perhaps you hurt your shoulder in an old sports injury and can’t perform the task your boss needs you to do. Your occupational medical practitioner specialises in diseases caused by the workplace, and decides when diseases should keep you out of the workplace.

Neurologist: Contrary to popular belief this is not necessarily a brain specialist. A neurologist treats disorders of the nervous system. That includes diseases of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles.

Gastroenterologist: This is the doctor you call when your digestive system is not working as it should be. This specialist deals specifically with diseases of the digestive tract, in other words, the path your food takes in and out of your body.Neurologist

Rheumatologist: As the name suggests a rheumatologist specializes in rheumatic diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis. This is, in short, diseases that affect the joints, muscles and bones.

Pulmonologist or Pulmonary Specialist: Having trouble breathing? Then a pulmonologist is the doctor for you. This doctor specializes in diseases of the lungs.

This is really only the tip of the iceberg in terms of medical specializations, but fortunately, as the patient you do not need to know them all. The best process to follow if things are not working quite as they should be in any part of your body, is to first visit your GP. He or she will then assess the situation, and if need be, send you off to the right expert.

Which medical specialist would you like to know more about? Leave a comment below.

Women Inventors that changed History

In celebration of Woman’s Month, today we celebrate Women Inventors that changed History.

Woman that has changed the way of doing certain things and in some way improved our way of living.Women Inventors that changed History

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Important Links: Diabetes

#diabetesDiabetes affect a large amount of our South-African population and it accompanied by a big health risk.

Get Savvi and Get Checked!

If you have already been diagnosed, here are some important links:

Diabetes South Africa

The Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE)

The Society for Endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes of South Africa


The Diabetes Education Society of South Africa

FIT South Africa

Youth With Diabetes (YWD)

Health24 – Diabetes

Media Releas from the Cancer Association of South-Africa (CANSA)

#CANSA Care Week

Caring for Caregivers because you Care

The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) places the spotlight on caregivers this CANSA Care Week 1 – 7 August 2014. A caregiver is anyone who cares, without being paid, for a friend or family member who is fighting cancer and cannot cope without support.

“We feel that sometimes caregivers’ loving care and support, which they lend to those affected by cancer, can go unnoticed. We really hope to change that; the wellbeing of a caregiver is just as important as that of the survivor they are caring for. This CANSA Care Week, we want to encourage everyone to celebrate and salute all caregivers,” according to CANSA Acting CEO Elize Joubert.

Caregivers come from all walks of life, all cultures and ages. Many feel they are doing what anyone else would in the same situation – looking after their loved ones, a best friend or even colleagues and just getting on with it.Some caregivers don’t choose to become caregivers; it often just happens. #CANSA Care Week

Joubert adds, “More than 60% of our volunteers are dedicated to helping our CANSA staff with care and support service as well as promoting health while many help with other projects.” Visit http://www.cansa.org.za/cansa-care-centres-contact-details/ for more information.

Many caregivers often experience compassion fatigue when they neglect their own self-care, in favour of putting most of their effort and focus on caring for someone else – this is known as caregiver burnout. Burnout describes the end result of stress in the life of a caregiver and combines emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation and low personal accomplishment.

CANSA’s Top Tips for Caregivers:

  1. Find Support: Talk to others who are in a similar situation. This can help you to cope with common feelings of anger, guilt, isolation, fear, sadness, or anticipatory grief.
  2. Know when you are stressed: Know the signs of stress (which include feeling exhausted; getting sick more often; sleeplessness; impatience, irritability, or forgetfulness).
  3. Take time out: Make time for yourself and others. Although a person who has cancer may have many needs that require your attention, it’s important for you to make time for yourself. Spend time doing something you enjoy, with the people you love.
  4. Don’t be too hard on yourself: Be kind and patient with yourself. It’s normal to experience occasional bouts of anger or frustration, along with the guilt for having those feelings. Try to find a positive way to deal with these feelings.
  5. Take care of yourself: Make time to exercise, eat healthy foods, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep.
  6. Stay positive: Having a positive attitude can help set the tone for everything you do and take on.

#CANSA Relay For Life“A fun way for cancer survivors and their caregivers to get involved with CANSA and to receive the recognition they deserve, is through CANSA’s Relay For Life national project. It’s a unique event that is fun-filled, takes place overnight where teams enter to raise cancer awareness and funds to fight cancer. The event emphasises cancer survivorship, is volunteer driven and community owned,” encourages Joubert.

CANSA invites all survivors and their caregivers to a Relay in their community – a CANSA Relay For Life event opens with a ‘Survivors’lap,that celebrates cancer survivors. This is followed by a ‘Caregivers’lap, to honour all caregivers who lend care and support to those affected by cancer. Visit www.relayforlife.org.za for more information.Follow CANSA on Twitter: @CANSA (http://www.twitter.com/@CANSA) and join CANSA on Facebook:CANSAThe Cancer Association of South Africa

(For more information, please contact Lucy Balona, Head: Marketing and Communication at CANSA or email: lbalona@cansa.org.za, call 011 616 7662 or cell: 082 459 5230. Or visit www.cansa.org.za or call CANSA toll-free 0800 22 66 22, or email: info@cansa.org.za)


CANSA offers a unique integrated service to the public and all people affected by cancer. As a leading role-player in cancer research (more than R5 million spent annually), the scientific findings and knowledge gained from our research are used to realign our health programmes as well as strengthen our watchdog role to the greater benefit of the public. Our wide-reaching health programme comprises health and education campaigns; over 30 CANSA Care Centres that offer stoma support and organisational management; medical equipment hire; a toll-free line and support to those affected by cancer; patient care and support in the form of 12 CANSA Care Homes in the main metropolitan areas for out-of-town cancer patients plus one hospitium based in Polokwane, as well as CANSA-TLC lodging for parents and guardians of children undergoing cancer treatment. Read more about how CANSA fights cancer in your community. For more info visit http://www.cansa.org.za or contact CANSA toll-free 0800 22 66 22 or email: info@cansa.org.za. Follow CANSA on Twitter and join CANSA on Facebook and on Pinterest.

World Hepatitis Day: A Call For Department of Health To Lead The Way

#WorldHepatitisDay #ThinkHepatitis

On World Hepatitis Day, 25 organisations and individuals from around the world, including Doctors Without Borders, Southern African HIV Clinicians Society and the Treatment Action Campaign have called for the implementation of hepatitis B immunisations at birth and a reform of the national patent laws to promote access to more affordable hepatitis therapies.

“Preventing infant infection is undoubtedly the most important way to reduce the prevalence of the hepatitis B virus,” said Stellenbosch University virologist, Dr. Monique Andersson.

“A safe, effective, and affordable hepatitis B vaccine has been available for over two decades, and remains the backbone of prevention strategies. Yet infants continue to be infected across sub-Saharan Africa because they don’t receive the immunisation early enough.”

Hepatitis B is highly endemic in South Africa and across sub-Saharan Africa, where around 8% of people are chronically infected, and the rates of hepatitis B-related liver cancer are some of the highest in the world. Globally, viral hepatitis causes approximately 1.3 million deaths every year—more than either malaria or tuberculosis—with around 240 million people chronically infected with hepatitis B virus (HBV), and 140 million people with hepatitis C virus (HCV). Either of these viruses can result in liver failure and liver cancer.

According to Doctors Without Borders (MSF) the World Health Organisation recommends infants be given a hepatitis B vaccine within 24 hours to prevent infection in the first weeks of the child’s life. #WorldHepatitisDay #ThinkHepatitis

This “birth dose” reduces mother-to-child transmission of the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Studies in Africa suggest transmission is currently between 2-30% of infants born to HBV-infected mothers. However, in much of sub-Saharan Africa the birth dose has not been implemented and HBV vaccine coverage remains low.

“The DOH needs to set an example for the region,” said Andersson. “It’s time South Africa and other countries add a hepatitis B birth dose to the national immunisation agenda.”

According to the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and MSF individuals already infected with hepatitis battle to pay for the drugs they need because of monopoly pricing in the industry. The organisation said effective treatment for hepatitis B is not readily available in the public sector, and could easily cost around R5 000 a month in the private sector. According to the organisations in India cheap generics are available to treat hepatitis B at the cost of just a couple of hundred rand. According to the TAC’s Anele Yawa this is not the case in SA because of the country’s problematic patent laws.

“South Africa doesn’t examine patent applications, so we grant monopolies to companies for things that aren’t new or innovative—patents that other countries wouldn’t grant,” said Yawa. 

For more information and facts, visit our Facebook or Google+ pages.

Image Source: www.bpssoutheast.com www.hepatitiscmx.com

Original Source: http://www.sabreakingnews.co.za/2014/07/28/world-hepatitis-day-call-for-hepatitis-vaccines-at-birth/

Author: Natalia Simon

#ThinkHepatitis #TimeToAccept #TimeToChange – World Hepatitis Day

#WorldHepatitisDay #ThinkHepatitis

Although hepatitis has become one of the most common and severe diseases globally, it currently takes the back seat when it comes to awareness.

This viral disease has made its mark, with almost 1.5 million people being affected and killed by either hepatitis A, B, C, D or E. It has long- and short-term effects and hepatitis A, C and D can cause life threatening complications to those infected.

The World Hepatitis Alliance has taken a hands-on approach to create much needed awareness of this disease, with the aim of changing people’s mindset on how they view hepatitis. Their main objective is to get people all over the world involved by making available very creative and interactive tools to encourage groups to host their own World Hepatitis Day event.

#WorldHepatitisDay #ThinkHepatitisThe tools are available on the World Hepatitis Alliance website at http://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/en/ and can be downloaded and edited to fit in with any hepatitis awareness concept. The tools include customisable posters, logos and toolkits to help you through the process of delivering an informative hepatitis event to bring awareness of this disease. To make it even more user friendly and reach a wider audience, the toolkits are available in seven languages.

The main purpose with this year’s theme is “Hepatitis: Think Again” and with the customisable posters, it will be easy to select a poster to fit in with your event or campaign.

The awareness is mainly aimed at highlighting symptoms, prevention, treatment, vaccination and taking action.

As a model of inspiration, The World Hepatitis Alliance will be hosting a mammoth event, #ThinkHepatitis, that will be taking place on 27 and 29 July 2014 and will coincide with the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. To raise awareness on hepatitis, the largest LED screen in the world will be used, displaying an interactive Twitter Wall as well as illustration of bricks that represent all the negative aspects that affect those living with hepatitis.

#WorldHepatitisDay #ThinkHepatitis“Every time someone sends a tweet with the campaign hashtag #ThinkHepatitis, a brick will turn around to reveal a positive truth, challenging people’s preconceptions about viral hepatitis. Just one tweet can change a wall of stigma and suffering into messages of strength and hope.” – World Hepatitis Alliance

We have taken ownership as being proudly South African, so let us #ThinkHepatitis, because it is #TimeToAccept the challenge and its #TimeToChange the world.

For more information and facts, visit our Facebook or Google+ pages.

Information Source: http://www.worldhepatitisalliance.org/en/

Author – Lynnqwinda Scott Social Media and Communications Co-Ordinator Get Savvi Health

10 Healthy Workout Tips for Men


We are celebrating Men’s Health Month this June. Here are some Health Workout Tips for Men.

You’re ready to work out. Maybe you’re an experienced athlete, or perhaps you just recently gave up the recliner and set aside the bowl of chips to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Either way, your goal is to take the one body you’ve been given and make it look and work its best.

There are countless reasons to chase this goal. Staying active can help you avoid major illnesses such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, give you more energy and make you feel happier. Endorphins anyone? Looking buff certainly doesn’t hurt when it comes to impressing the ladies, either. But in order to optimize your body, you need to optimize your workout plan.

Take It Slow – Motivation is a wonderful thing. Keep in mind, however, that unbridled enthusiasm has led many would-be athletes to write checks their bodies can’t cash. Sports injuries are second only to the common cold among reasons why people pay a visit to their doctor. A large number of the injured are so-called “weekend warriors” who try to trade their sedentary existence for the life of an elite athlete. Here’s the thing — it’s not a trade, it’s a progression. The people who push too hard, too soon, end up right back on the sofa with painful injuries and unwanted medical bills

It’s great to have a passion for working out, but the fire can quickly get out of control. A better bet is to maintain a slow, controlled burn.

Make a Schedule That Works for you – You’ve probably heard that it’s best to exercise in the morning to kick-start your metabolism for the day and help you sleep at night. You may have also read that your workout will be more productive if it’s done between 4 and 6 p.m. when your body temperature is highest. What are you to make of the mixed messages? The most important thing about your workout schedule is that it fits you. If you’re not a morning person, a workout plan that requires you to get up two hours early every day may not last. The same goes if you’re consistently “running on empty” after work — force yourself into an evening workout regimen and you’ll likely throw in the towel before long. Find a time that works for you, whether in the morning, during your lunch break or in the evening, and stick with it

Get the Right Equipment –  Any workout you choose requires some sort of equipment, whether it’s the right shoes for a 5K run or the right racket for a game of tennis. And while you don’t have to spend a fortune on the latest gadgets and the spiffiest outfits, you do need to make sure the equipment is in reasonable condition, fits properly and is right for your sport. Experts recommend that runners replace their shoes every 300 to 500 miles (483 to 805 kilometers). Keep the same tattered pair of shoes too long, and you could wind up with a painful problem like plantar fasciitis. The wrong biking saddle or shorts can lead to “saddle sores,” and poorly fitting skates can take you out of your hockey game and land you on the bench with a sprained ankle. Get your gear at a sports store with knowledgeable staff members who can help you pick the right equipment. Your job is to remember to replace it regularly.

Seek Out Accountability – True, Mom always warned you about the dangers of peer pressure, but working out is one part of life in which peer pressure can be a real plus. Even Olympians have days when they just don’t feel like exercising. There’s nothing wrong with taking a day off here and there, but slacking off whenever you feel like it will seriously hamper your progress. That’s where friends step in. Invite some co-workers for regular after-work gym sessions, join a local soccer team or running group, or invite a neighbor along for daily walks through the neighborhood. Knowing that the team will be short a player if you don’t show up will motivate you to get out there. You’re less likely to cancel a workout if you know your friends will (lovingly) heckle you for it. What’s the one color that shouldn’t be associated with your workout style? Click ahead for the answer.

Beware of the Gray Zone – It seems natural to work out at a level that’s not too easy and not too hard. This is the infamous “gray zone,” and it’s infamous for good reason. Medium-effort workouts will help you keep the fitness level you already have, but they won’t stimulate much adaptation. In short, you won’t see significant progress. To escape the gray zone, think of the difficulty of your workouts on a scale of one to 10, with one being easy and 10 being full throttle. Consistent workouts at level five will give you lackluster results but exercising at level eight or above every day will leave you exhausted and prone to injury. The best course of action is to alternate easy workouts (level three or below) with strenuous ones (level eight or above). Your body will be stimulated to improve, and it will have enough downtime to mend and adapt

Consider a Trainer – When the transmission goes out on your car, you see a mechanic. If you’re sick, you see a doctor. Want to get in top shape? You guessed it, you visit a personal trainer. It’s not a sign of ignorance or weakness. It’s a recognition of who is the most knowledgeable when it comes to reaching fitness goals. If you’re primarily a runner, a personal trainer can teach you resistance training techniques that will help you lift your knees for a more efficient stride. If you mostly pump iron, your trainer can teach you exercises to keep you flexible. He or she can also provide valuable insights on nutrition. The costs associated with hiring a personal trainer can vary greatly but keep in mind that some gyms provide the services of a trainer in the cost of your membership. If cost is still an obstacle, consider putting some money aside and giving yourself a month’s worth of sessions for your birthday. Once you’ve run out of sessions, you can continue using what you’ve learned on your own.

Choose Activities You Love – Listen to Your Body –

It may sound a bit touchy-feely, but it’s true — to be a successful, healthy athlete, you need to listen to your body.

“Feeling the burn” in your muscles during a tough workout is a perfectly normal sign that you’re challenging your body. Sweating and labored breathing can also be quite natural. But throbbing joints or sudden, sharp pains anywhere are signs that you need to stop what you’re doing. Failing to heed your body’s distress signals can lead to serious injury and setbacks. Also, post-workout pain that doesn’t let up after a few days of rest and ice warrants a trip to the doctor

Severe swelling or deformity, dislocation of a joint, numbness or bluish color of the skin or nails are signs that you need to head straight to the ER

Pain in the chest or left arm, tightness or a crushing feeling in your chest, or unexplained sweating, such as breaking out in a cold sweat after your workout can be indicators of a heart attack. In that case, call 9-1-1

Take it Up a Notch –  There comes a time when the workouts that used to feel nearly impossible become altogether easy. That’s when you double the mileage, multiply the reps and pack the weight bar with as many iron plates as it will hold, right? Wrong. When we say it’s time to take it up a notch we mean just that — a notch. If you’re a distance runner, remember the 10 percent rule; you shouldn’t increase your weekly mileage by more than 10 percent at a time. If your previous max — the most you can lift one time — on the weight bench is 225 pounds (102 kilograms), try adding five or 10 pounds only and using a spotter (someone who can grab the bar if you struggle.) Taking it up just a notch may feel frustrating sometimes, but patience pays off.

Set Your Own Goals – Most men will tell you that they’re most productive when they know what they’re working for. A vague goal such as getting in better shape or an unrealistic focus such as putting Michael Phelps to shame in the pool, will only hamper your progress.

Set a reasonable long-term goal. Maybe it’s to complete your first half-marathon nine months from now. Then work toward smaller goals along the way, such as completing your first 5K or 10K. Celebrate each small goal as a step on the path to the larger objective. And remember that, you’re really competing with yourself. The elite runner in the group who never seems to break a sweat can be an inspiration to you, but don’t break a leg trying to keep up when he or she has probably been training for much longer than you have. You’re on your own path to fitness and you’ll get there at your own pace. Keep your workouts safe and effective, and you’ll reach your full athletic potential.

Credit: How Stuff Works – http://www.howstuffworks.com/