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I hate complaining. I really do. So when I do express my dissatisfaction with a product or service, you should know that I have had a monologue going on in my head for quite a while. I have infuriated myself to the point where I have to either verbalise it...
Hits: 41476

I've been so busy starting blogs, designing logos and 'Facebooking' all my new clients that I've taken ages to get around to starting my own, but after reading a post in a marketing forum today I thought "I have to write something about this today!"  So here we are.

The post was made in a small business forum and asked the million dollar question - 'how do small businesses and start ups market on a limited budget'.  If I had a penny ...

Now before impart my great wisdom to the cyber universe, I'd like to say that I don't have a marketing degree. I have never worked for a huge multinational with hundreds of thousands to spend on flash marketing campaigns.  I've learned what I know from a career in the hospitality industry (where you engage with your customer 24/7).  It slowly progressed into a career helping businesses learn to market themselves, not just their products.

Hits: 36408